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William (Bill) Powell

Posted by on January 30, 2017
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  • Department Manager with executive direction over property managers, accounting, maintenance team, and general consulting on real estate matters.
  • Direct Liaison with property owners, from individuals to institutional grade fund advisors.
  • Responsibilities include day to day supervision of TLG employees, guidance on asset management functions, property analysis and forecasting with solid recommendations depending on owner’s needs, business plan development, and acquisition/disposition services in conjunction with TLG Property Management, LLC.
  •  Contract negotiations for acquisitions, dispositions, lease agreements, and vendor agreements.
  • 30+ year career in property and asset management with portfolios in excess of 7.5 million square feet.
  • Strong supporter of continuing education for all employees to remain current on trends in real estate management. Florida State University’s College of Business Real Estate Research Center mentor to graduate students in real estate.
  • State of Florida Licensed Real Estate Associate and CPM® (Certified Property Manager).